For the treatment of medium to strong waste waters, pond-based systems incorporating waste stabilisation pond technology can provide a more cost-effective, low maintenance and sustainable solution.
Wetland areas planted with a range of willows and other marginal plants, when included in a treatment system, provide additional nutrient removal and polishing of effluents to near river quality standards.
CRESS WATER SOLUTIONS’ pond systems combined with reed beds and constructed wetland areas produce highly effective waste water treatment solutions which are also able to:
- Attenuate, mix and mitigate variable flow rates
- Produce a quality of effluent suitable for recycling
- Remove nutrients through biomass production
- Reduce discharge volumes through percolation and evapo-transpiration
- Achieve a seasonal discharge
- Achieve disposal of all treated wastewaters on site
The effluents from these systems can be recycled to maintain ornamental and natural water features and for irrigation. As a result the need to import clean white water for these purposes can be substantially reduced and significant cost savings made.
Through attention to design and landscaping details, reed-bed systems can be constructed to form interesting and varied ecological and wildlife habitats that could, in time, become wildlife sanctuaries and recreational amenities.
Pond-based systems, in contrast to reed bed systems, have a larger footprint, requiring in the order of 10-15 sq.m. per person equivalent.