Case studies
– Private Residence, Kerswell Green, nr Kempsey, Worcestershire
Standing in a small green field a small listed barn about to be converted into a comfortable one bedroom cottage needed some form of sewage treatment and wastewater disposal. Located on a flat site with a high water table we specified and designed a small reed-bed system comprising a single vertical flow reed-bed, to be built above ground level, followed by a sub-gravel horizontal flow reed-bed at ground level with discharge to a common pond. Eventually our reed-bed system was incorporated into a large ornamental pond and whole-of-garden landscape design prepared by Julian Dowle. Having originally only been going to install the reed-bed we leapt at the chance to install the whole garden ponds and reed-bed scheme as one integrated whole, complete with waterfalls and a stream recycling water from a “common” pond. Roof water and treated sewage effluent are discharged into the pond and help to maintain water levels. Within days of completion a kingfisher was spotted visiting the waterfall.